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  Model Essay(范文):

  Groups or organizations are an important part of our life because we are social people. We liketo get together with people whose attitudes and beliefs are like ours. The most importantgroups for us are our families, our religious organizations, and our political organizations.

  Our families are obviously our most important group. You will never find the physical andemotional support from any other group that you will find in your family. Your family is part ofyou; you are tied to them by blood. They will always be there for you.

  Similarly our religious organizations can provide comfort for us in times of stress. When we arewith people who have the same beliefs, we feel better. Our beliefs are based on tradition. Thesebeliefs have been tested over time. These beliefs tell us how to respond and how to act.

  Our political organizations change as we change. Some years we may feel conservative; otheryears we may feel more liberal. Whatever our political philosophy, we can find a politicalorganization that matches our thinking at the moment. Those political organizations help us bea part of the larger community.

  Whether the group is tightly knit like a family, spiritual like religion, or secular like politics, theyall serve a function in our life. They all help us feel as if we belong.

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本文标题:2016英语专八作文范文:团队组织对人的重要性 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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