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  Model Essay(范文):

  In my country, the lecture system is the most common system. It is the one I prefer for threereasons: I am used t the lecture system; it is an efficient system; I am too shy to talk in class.

  All my life, I have listened to teachers. They come into the room, open their books, and start tolecture. We students sit quietly at our desks and take notes. We never ask questions becausewe don’t want to seem stupid. At the end of the course, we are given a test. If we can repeaton the test what the teacher said in class, we will get a good grade.

  The lecture system is an efficient one. Te teacher is the one who knows the subject, not thestudents. It is a waste of time listening to a student’s ideas. What good will that does me? Timeis short. I want the teacher to give me as much information as he or she can during the classperiod.

  Even if we could talk in class, I would never open my mouth. I am much too shy. I would beafraid the other students would laugh at me and make fun of my ideas. I prefer to listen to theteacher and memorize the teacher’s ideas.

  I hope I can always study in a school where they use the lecture system. I think it is better tocontinue with what one is used to. I also think that there is a lot of information that I mustlearn in the most efficient manner possible. I wouldn’t want to interrupt a teacher with myfoolish questions.

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本文标题:2016英语专八作文范文:讨论式课堂对比纯讲授 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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