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  Right now, more than 62m girls around the world areout of school — a heartbreaking injustice thatdeprives these girls of the chance to develop theirpotential. Too often, young women faceinsurmountable barriers to attend school:unaffordable school fees; early and forced marriageand pregnancy; and societal beliefs that girls aresimply less worthy of an education than boys.


  This is not just a moral issue — it is a serious public health issue: girls who attend secondaryschool marry and have children later, have lower rates of maternal and infant mortality andHIV/Aids, and are more likely to immunise their children. It is a national security issue, aseducation is one of the best weapons we have in the fight against violent extremism. And girls’education is an urgent economic issue. Studies show that each additional year a girl attendsschool can increase her earning power by 10 to 20 per cent, and that sending more girls tosecondary school can boost a country’s entire economy.


  But for me, this is not just about policy or economics. This is deeply personal, because I cometo this issue not just as a first lady but as a mother.


  Every time I meet these girls on my travels abroad, I am blown away by their passion,intelligence and hunger to learn — and I cannot help but see my daughters in them. Like myown girls, each of these young women has the spark of something extraordinary inside. Theonly difference is that my girls have had the opportunity to develop their promise. So all of uswho are parents and grandparents need to ask ourselves whether we would ever accept our ownprecious girls being pulled out of school and married off to grown men at the age of 12,becoming pregnant at 13, confined to a life of dependence and, often times, fear and abuse.


  That kind of life is unthinkable for the girls in our lives, so why would we accept this fate forany girl on this planet?


  This week I will join Prime Minister David Cameron in London to begin to answer that question,and announce a series of new partnerships between the US and the UK to educate adolescentgirls in developing countries around the world.

  本周我将会在伦敦和英国首相戴维?卡梅伦(David Cameron)一起开始回答这个问题,并宣布美国与英国一系列新的合作计划,这些计划旨在为全世界发展中国家的少女提供教育机会。

  The UK has long been a global leader for adolescent girls’ education worldwide. America hasinvested as well, launching an initiative earlier this year called Let Girls Learn, which includesefforts by US Peace Corps volunteers to help communities in developing countries find their ownsolutions, such as girls’ leadership camps and mentorship programmes.

  英国长期以来一直是世界各地少女教育的全球领导者。美国也进行了投资,今年早些时候开启了一个名为“让女孩学习”(Let Girls Learn)的项目,其内容包括由美国和平队(US Peace Corps)的志愿者帮助发展中国家的社区找到自己的解决办法,比如女孩领导力训练营和导师计划。

  Our new partnerships build on these efforts, bringing new focus to reach even more adolescentgirls across the globe. Among them is an effort of up to $180m over five years in theDemocratic Republic of Congo, which will benefit more than 750,000 girls.


  In addition, our development agencies and two of our countries’ leading universities willcollaborate on evidence-based research to determine the best ways to educate adolescentgirls. And British and American partners will work together to support teacher training, girls’leadership camps, and other community-based programmes in developing countries.


  Combined, these efforts total nearly $200m — but, given the scope of this challenge, eventhat is nowhere near sufficient. Girls’ education is a global issue that requires a globalsolution. That’s why, in March, I travelled to Japan and stood with Akie Abe, the wife of PrimeMinister Shinzo Abe, as we announced a similar partnership between the US and Japan to helpgirls worldwide attend school.

  总体而言,这些投资价值近2亿美元,但鉴于这是一项巨大的挑战,即便是这样的投资也远远不够。女孩教育是一个需要提出全球解决方案的全球性问题。正因为此,今年3月我去了日本,和日本首相安倍晋三(ShinzoAbe)的夫人安倍昭惠(Akie Abe)站在一起,宣布了类似的美日合作项目、以帮助全世界的女孩上学。

  I intend to use my remaining time as first lady — and beyond — to rally leaders across theglobe to join us in this work. Because every girl, no matter where she lives.


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本文标题:2017英语专业八级作文话题:关注女孩教育 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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