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  From the above cartoon we can see that one man is making an apology to the other man, admitting voluntarily that he damaged the other man’s car, and offering his compensating contract to the man whose car was damaged.

  What the picture is intended to convey is a much concerned social morality of honesty in our society. As is known to all, honesty is one of the long-cherished Chinese virtues. But in fact some of us fail to be honest. For example, to earn huge profit, some businessmen manufacture or sell counterfeits at the cost of consumers’ interests. Likewise, for the purpose of improving the ratings, the media may peddle sensational stories or twist the news to attract the public attention without any sense of responsibility. It is also not hard to spot cases of such kind in the field of education, medicine, accounting, entertainment, etc. It is apparent that, if let the fraud go on, living in our society, people will suffer instead of enjoying the civilization and happiness of modern society because of the dishonesty and deception.

  Based on what is analyzed above, the current situation must be changed for the benefits of every one of us.Counter-measures to deal with credibility crisis should be taken by the government to promote honesty with the joining efforts of the media. Most importantly, laws must be established to severely punish those who misbehave in terms of credibility.

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本文标题:2016英语专八作文范文:社会风尚公德 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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