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  As is shown in the picture, a young American girl is wearing traditional Chinese dress and ornaments and is smiling sweetly. It may be an ordinary picture, but it conveys deep and profound meaning: national culture is also international culture.

  Ever since we opened our door to the world, we have attracted and influenced by things from other cultures, such as jeans, country music and fast food. We have shown such interest in them that some people, especially the younger generation, become crazy about them. The more exotic(异国风情的) they are, the more fashionable they seem to be. Now, national culture began to show its charm and gain popularity(受到欢迎) all over the world. Our national costume, just as shown in the picture, Beijing Opera, Cross Talk, for example, have won favor with(得到……支持) a lot of foreigners.

  As national culture becomes international culture, people in the world better understand each other. We are all villagers in this global village. Mutual respect and understanding (相互尊重、理解)make this world a better place to live in.

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本文标题:2016英语专八作文范文:中西方文化合璧 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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