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  Model Essay(范文):

  Nothing ventured. Nothing gained. If our greatexplorers and scientists did not live by this creed,where would we be? I think that we must all take risks in our lives, but these must becalculated risks. Like the great thinkers of our time, we must plan carefully, seize allopportunities, and reevaluate our plans.

  There is no such thing as a chance occurrence. Columbus in his search for the Indies drewmaps, plotted his route carefully, and set out. Madam Curie worked diligently in her laboratoryrecording every aspect of her experiments. You need to have a careful plan so you canmeasure your success.

  Even with a careful plan, changes occur. Columbus was looking for the  Indies, but ended upin the Caribbean. Lewis and Clark were looking for a river passage west, but discovered muchmore. You have to be ready to take advantage of new things as they occur.

  When things go against plan, you must be ready to change direction. Columbus didn't bringback spices from the East Indies, he brought back gold from the West Indies. It is important tosee the positive side of things. Make your mistakes work for you.

  You will never succeed in life if you don't take chance. But before you start, you must plancarefully so you are ready to take advantage of every opportunity and turn mistakes to youradvantage.

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Online English Writing Community

本文标题:2016英语专八作文范文:成功来自哪里?​ - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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