

阅读 :

  1 A case in point is... 恰当的例子是

  例如:A case in point is the recent bank robbery.   

  2 A more interesting thing is that... 更为有趣的是

  例如:A more interesting thing is that he can speak several languages besides English.

  3 A more important fact is that... 更重要的事情是

  例如:A more important fact is that he broke law.

  4 As a matter of fact 事实上

  例如:As a matter of fact, mathematics finds its application in every science.

  5 Compared with... 与……相比

  例如:Compared with your suggestion, his is much better.

  6 Considering... 考虑到

  例如:Considering the weather, we had better call off our picnic.

  7 Contrary to... 与……相反

  例如:Contrary to what I thought, he proved to be successful.

  8 Contrary to all expectations 出乎意料

  例如:Contrary to all expectations, he failed.

  9 For that matter 关于这点

  例如:Alice didn't come, and for that matter, she didn't even telephone.

  10 Further, we hold opinion that... 而且我们认为

  例如:Further, we hold opinion that the mismatched couple ought to part as soon as possible.

  11 In accordance with... 根据

  例如:In accordance with your wishes, I have written to him.

  12 Not because...but because... 不是因为……而是因为

  例如:She married him, not because she loved him , but because she needed his money.

  13 On account of 由于

  例如:Jim couldn't come here on account of the bad weather.

  14 On second thoughts 经再三考虑

  例如:On second thoughts, I am not going to Changchun.

  15 Therefore, we should realize that... 因此,我们应认识到

  例如:Therefore, we should realize that self-conquest is the greatest victory.

  16 With regard to your proposal, I think that... 关于你的建议,我认为

  例如:With regard to your proposal, I think that it will work well in practice.

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本文标题:专八写作技巧:惯用衔接语 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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