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  Self-confidence is one very important factor forsuccess, but there are two other equally importantfactors: knowledge and sensitivity. All three are required for success in any area.

  One needs to feel one can accomplish a task. If one thinks he or she is incapable of doingsomething, he or she will not succeed. For example, if you think you are going to do poorly onan exam, you will probably do poorly. It is important to tell yourself that you can do well. If youhave confidence in yourself, you will probably do well.

  Even if you have a great deal of self-confidence, you won't be able to well on the examwithout knowledge. You have to understand your subject very well. With knowledge and self-confidence you have a better chance of success.

  In areas other than exams, you will need to be sensitive to your surroundings in order tosucceed. You will need to know whether to boast about yourself or be modest; you will need toknow whether you should take the lead or let others. This is a difficult skill to learn, but animportant one for success.

  To be successful in school or work, you need three qualities: self-confidence, knowledge,and sensitivity. Along, none of these factors will help you succeed. But together, they ensuresuccess.

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本文标题:2017英语专业八级作文范文:自信 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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