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  An American professor, Naomi Baron, conducted a survey of 2000 college

  students’ attitude towards phone calls and text-messaging on mobile devices. And it is concluded by Professor Baron that what students like most is that they can reach other people. However, as far as I know, mobile devices are not just for short message service.

  College students are more open-minded and outgoing than students before. They enjoy using their mobile devices to put their happiness, sadness or worries online and talk about it with friends. They can receive congratulations, comforts, or advices. This makes life healthy and enjoyable and it also shows that college students don’t mind people reaching them, instead, they like the feeling of being concerned about. In

  addition, students also like citing links of websites of study in their blogs. In this way, students can share information in a larger circle more than a school.

  Another advantage of mobile devices is that they can help us shoot the meaningful, important, or interesting moments, and the freeze frames of those

  moments are not just memories but also a treasure for life. Sometimes, when students encounter some crime scenes, their phones can take pictures and even record the sound, which can be very helpful evidences. What’s more, students who like writing can use their phone to “write down” the momentary inspiration anytime, anywhere. Those sudden thoughts and ideals may disappear soon and can be very evanescent if people just let it come and go.

  Besides, with the development of smart phone, many kinds of apps can be downloaded and installed in the phone. Students can use their favorite study apps to study wherever and whenever they want to. They can also use some apps to enjoy light music if they feel tired. They don’t have to carry piles of heavy paper books which is harmful to the environment or carry the cumbersome computers. To a certain extent, one mobile device is just like a mobile pocket library. And it’s really

  convenient to search information and read news on the phone and it makes students feel they have the whole world in their hand.

  To sum up, mobile devices actually shorten the distance between people and people, and between one individual and the world. They are the magic windows open to the outside world for everyone and encourage us to see learn more and learn more and they do make our life easier and happier.

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本文标题:2017英语专业八级作文范文:手机的意义 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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