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  Students Should Be Required to Wear School Uniform

  Of all the great changes that have taken place in the system of compulsory education, school uniform of diverse patterns has proved to be a success. Today, however, a controversy towards school uniform stretches widely as it is feared that such uniform somewhat diminishes the individual personality of students. My opinion is that it is worth the praise it has received.

  In the first place, school uniform helps students foster team spirit and strengthen the spirit of cooperation. Providing a sense of unity, the uniform makes everyone feel that he or she is influential and indispensable in the team. Regardless of performance in class or examination, one student is wearing the same clothes as the others and working on his share for the team responsibility. Naturally they will be willing to participate in the team and proud of their contributions. Brought up in this caring and inclusive environment, students will have an easy time functioning in new community and collaborating with coworkers.

  In the second place, school uniform reinforces the sense of equality for a diversified student body. School uniform tends to narrow down the discrepancy between students from families of low and high economic status. In this sense it may help lift some psychological obstacles. Owing to school uniform, the bias against poor students will disappear gradually. Had it not been for school uniform, wearing shabby clothes would be a constant reminder of poor family conditions. And what’s worse, they would feel ashamed of whom they are and the low self-esteem may have adverse impacts on study.

  Last but not least, school uniform takes effect when accidents occur and the safety of students is endangered. The name or logo of school printed on uniform will help witness to know the victim’s identity and come to timely and efficient aid.

  On the whole, students will benefit a great deal from their uniforms for the reasons ranging from their personality cultivation to aids in face of danger. Considering all above factors, it bears no reasoning to abandon school uniform.

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本文标题:2017英语专业八级作文范文:学生是否该穿校服 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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