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  As the summer break approaches, many Chinese parents are making plans to send their children overseas-but no longer just as tourists or language students.

  The latest trend is to introduce young people to novel experiences at summer camps run by professional organizations, according to a report on overseas study tours by Ctrip, a major Chinese travel agency.

  In addition, those taking part are getting younger. The age range of the children enrolled this year is 8 to 15, three years younger than in 2014, the report said.

  Zhang Jie, head of overseas study tours for Ctrip, said parents today want their children to learn new things.

  "Before, study tours were basically focused on two aspects: trips to renowned universities or middle schools, or language skills. It was more like preparation for studying overseas," she said. "However, when it comes to camps, it's totally different."

  Sun Kai, director of international admissions at Sappo School, a private school in New York's Long Island, said parents hope short-term overseas study will give their children new experiences and help them to build knowledge of the unknown.

  "More Chinese parents have chosen camps for their children because school is class-based and cannot cover lots of activities," he said. "Professional summer camps can teach pottery, ballet, piano, violin and martial arts."








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本文标题:2017英语专业八级作文话题:暑期出国游学 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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