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  Some students who took the International EnglishLanguage Testing System exam in August andSeptember have had their results "withheldpermanently", sending a strong signal that theexaminers intend to stamp out cheating, somesenior language tutors said.


  Yang Yuting, chief language training tutor at AmberEducation, an overseas studies consulting agency,said there have been a few cases in which candidates' IELTS results were canceled in recentyears.


  But this is the first time he has heard that results, including those of some of his students, were"withheld permanently", meaning IELTS will not give the students their results, nor will theygive them to others.


  "This may reflect the IELTS authorities' resolution to stamp out rule-breaching actions likememorizing questions and reciting essays," Yang said.


  Wang Xin, a senior student at the Communication University of China in Beijing, took an IELTStest on Aug 1 and the results were due within 10 working days. But she was then notified thather results were undergoing routine checks.


  Soon after that, she received an e-mail informing her that "a decision has been made towithhold this result permanently" and alleging that Wang had "breached IELTS test rules andregulations", without elaborating which rules Wang allegedly had violated.


  A number of students who took the test during the past two months in cities that includeNanjing, Changsha and Guangzhou, have had the same experience. Many test takers said theywere confused because they didn't know how they had breached the rules and regulations.


  IELTS authorities said in an e-mail to China Daily that IELTS takes the responsibility ofproviding test results very seriously. Results are only withheld in cases where there is strongevidence to suggest that the candidates have not complied with IELTS regulations.


  "In these cases, we are unable to guarantee that their result is a true reflection of theirEnglish language skills," they said in the e-mail, although they gave no figures of how manystudents were involved.


  "We regret any inconvenience this may cause, but these measures are essential to protectthe value of the results for more than 2.5 million test takers every year. Hundreds of thousandsof people take IELTS in China every year and the number of results which are permanentlywithheld is a tiny proportion," they said.


  Hu Min, president of New Channel International Education Group, an English-language tutorialagency in China, said a major cause of results being withheld might be an extremeimbalance in performance levels in the four sections of the test.


  "For example, if a student scores very high in the reading and listening sections whileperforming poorly in writing and speaking, IELTS authorities may suspect that the test takerhas memorized the reading and listening questions-a practice that is very popular amongChinese test takers," he said.


  "IELTS authorities discourage such a practice and would determine that the scores can'treflect the real English level if test takers do so."


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本文标题:2017英语专业八级作文话题:背作文反映不出考生真实水平 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板



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