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  While graduates in Shanghai yearn forindependence, a recent survey by the Youth Dailyrevealed that 60 percent of them have to shareaccommodation and many wind up sharingapartments with strangers.


  The Youth Daily online survey involved 346respondents from college graduates working inShanghai.


  Of those sharing apartments, 40 percent live with friends. Shanghai University graduate Liexplained: "Renting apartments with friends can save money and we can help each othersometimes. All things being equal I enjoy living with my friends."


  While sharing apartments saves money and is sociable, finding suitable people can be difficult.And the minute a good roommate gets a new job or leaves Shanghai, the hunt for areplacement begins all over again. The survey showed that 14 percent of these young tenantsshare apartments with strangers they have contacted online.


  And another 9 percent live in subdivided accommodation where flimsy walls have beenerected to create extra rooms. This style of accommodation is cheap and that was the mainattraction for Wu, a graduate of the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology. With noexperience at renting and not wanting to pay real estate agency fees, after scouring theInternet he found he could only afford a subdivided unit.


  Although these places are chancy and illegal the rent they charge is all I can afford, he said.


  This survey revealed that none of the respondents lived in apartments owned by family orfriends - some respondents suggested this sort of arrangement could easily lead to conflicts.


  Twelve percent of those surveyed rented specially designed share apartments through websites.Just six respondents out of 346 rented government-backed accommodation and only 5.2percent were living in accommodation provided by their employers.


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本文标题:2017英语专业八级作文话题:大学毕业生租房问题 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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