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  Preferences of Chinese college graduates foremployment have been changing in recent years asthe country undergoes transformations in itseconomic and industrial structure, a recent surveyfound.


  Knowledge-intensive industries such as information,education and healthcare are hiring more collegegraduates, while labor-intensive ones such asarchitecture and manufacturing, are losing theirappeal to job hunters, according to the College Graduates Employment Annual Report.


  The survey, which was released by education data and consulting company MyCOS, polledmore than 250,000 college students who graduated in 2015.


  Guo Jiao, deputy director of the MyCOS Research Institute, said the upgrading of industriescomes with a need for workers with a higher education.


  Information technology, for example, is leading the current industrial upgrade in China andhas become an engine of economic growth. Reflected in college graduates employment, Guosaid the proportion of graduates who chose to work in media, information andtelecommunication rose from 8.5 percent in 2010 to 10.5 percent in 2015.


  College graduates employment is like a barometer, helping decision-makers to differentiatefast-developing emerging industries from those that are declining or facing challenges, Guosaid.


  The report also found that the employment rate of college graduates has remainedcomparatively stable despite the slowing economy.


  According to the National Bureau of Statistics, among the 6.81 million college students whograduated in 2015, about 204,000 college graduates, or 3 percent, chose to start their ownbusiness, a 0.1 percentage point rise from 2014.


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本文标题:2017英语专业八级作文话题:高校毕业生就业偏好发生转变 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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