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  Northwest University of Political Science and Law inXi'an, capital of Northwest China's Shaanxi Province,is establishing a new school specializing in anti-terrorism.


  Each year, the school will enroll two classes ofundergraduate students from the university'sfreshman and sophomore classes in addition tomore than 36 postgraduate students from across thenation, including at least six doctoral students,Zhang Jinping, who is managing the establishment of the new school, told the Global Timeson Wednesday.


  Enrollment of the first class of undergraduate students is now underway. The university hasalready set up doctoral and master's programs in anti-terrorism.


  Zhang said that students will be required to take courses in conventional disciplines such aslaw, religion, politics and sociology in addition to anti-terrorism courses, adding that thepurpose is to cultivate interdisciplinary competency.


  "The school of anti-terrorism is being founded to respond to the country's demand for anti-terrorism specialists," said the professor, who noted that China is still facing severe threats ofterrorism.


  The university is, in fact, not the first in China to set up an anti-terrorism school. In 2014, thePeople's Public Security University of China in Beijing expanded its department of publicsecurity intelligence into an counter-terrorism college.


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本文标题:2017英语专业八级作文话题:西北政法大学即将组建反恐学院 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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