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  It’s a small romantic world after all.


  At least that’s what the number crunchers on Facebook’s data science team discovered whenanalyzing anonymous data of U.S. couples over the age of 21 who classify themselves as“married” and also include the names of the high schools and colleges they attended in theirprofiles on the social network.


  According to the results, 15% of couples on Facebook attended the same high school and 28%attended the same college. Some couples went to both the same high school and college, butthe study controlled for that by only counting the first school they each attended together inthe results.


  The results showed that couples who attended high school in rural as opposed to urban areaswere more likely to marry someone from the same school. Smaller, more conservative andreligious colleges tended to have a higher likelihood of married graduates than other schools.For example, the study found that more than half of Brigham Young University graduates onFacebook also had a spouse who attended the school.


  As with any study, there are a few caveats to take into account when considering the results. Tobegin with, only people aged 25 or older at the time the data was collected were included in thestudy, and the couple had to attend the same school within four years of each other. People whodid not list a college on their profile pages were excluded from the study.


  Of course, there is no way to tell if a couple hooked up before or after they attended the sameschool or if the relationship began while they were enrolled.


  “The count is a rough proxy for the chance of finding a spouse at the school,” wrote Facebookdata scientist Sofus Attila Macskassy, who along with colleague Lada Adamic conducted theresearch and wrote about their findings on a Facebook page entitled, “From Classmates toSoulmates.”


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本文标题:2017英语专业八级作文话题:大学校园情侣 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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