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  Will Phones Kill Letter Writing?

  According to a recent survey made by the China Daily, about 200 million Chinese are using phones as their daily communications means instead of writing letters. So some people say that phones will kill letter writing. But I don’t think so.

  My argument that phones will not kill letter writing lies in at least three aspects. First, letter writing as a traditional way of communication still has some advantages over phones. For example, if people want to express something confidential to their close friends, they will turn to letter writing. Another example is that rural workers who are working far away from their hometown are more likely to write letters to their families than to make phone calls for the purpose of saving money. Second, letter writing is more authoritative and formal in some way. For instance, people who are doing business will write formal business letters to do a deal; people who want to recommend or introduce someone to someone else will write letter of recommendation or letter of introduction, etc. Last but not least, letter writing is still regarded as a token of friendship among friends. People always write letters to show their everlasting love and affection.

  All in all, letter writing is still very popular among people. It is still a good way for people to communicate with each other and it is impossible to be killed by phones.

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本文标题:2017专八作文范文:手机将替代写信? - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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