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Fighting in the Bottomless Cave

When Tang Priest and his three disciples come to Mount Pitfall there is a female mouse spirit there. As soon as she sees Tang Priest she falls in love with him. Since he is so handsome, she wants to marry him. The mouse spirit first changes herself into a pretty girl and then tied herself to a tree. Then she waits for the Tang Priest and his devotees to pass by. When they see her they save her. Then the evil mouse spirit asked then to take her with them by telling a fabricated story designed to win their sympathy. At night they stayed in a temple. The evil spirit took Tang Priest to her Bottomless Cave using an evil wind. When the three disciples couldn/'t find their master they followed them to the Bottomless Cave. Mondey changed himself into an insect to go inside the cave. He saw that the evil spirit was urging his master to drink wine so he would get drunk and agree to marry her. Then Monkey changed himself into an eagle to turn the table upside down. The evil spirit trembled with fear. Then Monkey changed himself into a fly and flew into the ear of his master and said something. Tang Priest did what he said: He invited the evil spirit to take a walk with him in the garden. There he picked a big peach and offered it to her. She was very pleased and ate the fruit right away. After a moment, her stomach was in such pain that she couldn/'t bear it. Just then, Monkey shouted in her stomach: “Let my master go, otherwise I/'ll kill you.” It turned out that the peach was changed by Monkey. As soon as Tang Priest went out of the cave, Monkey. As soon as Tang Priest went out of the cave, Monkey jumped out from the stomach of the evil spirit. Monkey, Pig and Friar Sand had a fierce fight with the evil spirit and there wsa nobody to protect the Master. Tang Priest was again taken into the cave by the evil spirit. Monkey entered the cave and did not find his master but he saw the memorial tablets for Heavenly King Li and Nezha. Monkey went to the Jade Emperor with the tablets in his hands. The Jade Emperor ordered Heavenly King Li and Nezha to subdue the mouse spirit and get Tang Priest out of the cave. Then the master and three disciples went on their way to the West to find Buddhist scriptures.


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本文标题:大闹无底洞 - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事

上一篇:大闹天宫 下一篇:鱼精作怪


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