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  Social Activities----a Necessary Complement to College Life


  Many university students are taking an active part in all kinds of club activities or sports on the campus, but quite a few other students dismiss拒绝接受 these activities as time-consuming耗时的 and useless. This phenomenon results from their different understanding of college life.

  The 'pro-club' students regard participation of some social activities such as activities in clubs or societies as an important part of their college life while the 'anti-club' students focus their attention on studies rather than, as they put it, on recreation消遣, 娱乐 or entertainment.

  In fact, clubs or sports mean much more than recreations or entertainment. They are a necessary complement补足 to college life, enriching the students life by engaging them in certain interesting activities. Furthermore, to take part in an art club, or say, a Project Hope Association will prevent the students from becoming book worms极爱读书的人,书呆子 and help them improve their skills in communicating with people, planning an activity or leading an organization.

  It is reported that students who have engaged themselves in certain club activities or sports can easily adapt themselves to a new environment after they graduate from their universities. But it is a hard nut to crack棘手的问题 for those who have all the time been burying themselves in books.

  Someone may argue by raising a problem of time. As a matter of fact事实上, time is not a problem so long as只要 we arrange it in a proper way .The key is how to improve the efficiency of study so as to使得, 以致 spare some time for appropriate social activities.

  However, it is safer to say that priority should be given to academic courses普通课程; 学术课程. Only on the premise that both energy and time are available, can we engage ourselves in certain club activities or sports.

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本文标题:2017专八作文范文:社会活动—大学生活的一项必要补充 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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