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  Model Essay(范文):

  When I was about 10 years old, my older sister gave me a present. It was my first real grown-up bicycle: a three-speed, yellow and black, shiny and new. I still remember how excited I was.That bicycle was very important to me over the next few years. If I wanted to give a gift thatwould contribute to a child’s development, I would choose a bicycle.

  Bikes are great exercise. They encourage outdoor play. Television and video games, which arethe most popular children’s activities nowadays, involve mostly sitting and starting. Riding abike makes exercise fun.

  Bikes are convenient transportation, too. Without a bike you have to depend on an adult todrive you almost everywhere. With a bike you can go farther. You can ride to your friend’sbouses. If your school is close enough, you can take yourself to school. You have control overwhere you go, and you’re not always waiting or begging for a ride. Now you can say “Can I go……?” instead of “Please take me!”

  To me as a child, a bicycle meant independence. Not only could I could I go farther, but noone was watching where I went. The road went past the park, the pond, the woods, the 7-11store, and more. I saw the network of little neighborhood roads from a different viewpoint. Icould stop anywhere and look at whatever I wanted. Everything was my choice. Bike riding wasactive, not passive.

  My bicycle gave me fun exercise, easy transportation, and freedom. For all these reasons, Ithink that a bicycle is a special present for a child.

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本文标题:2017英语专业八级作文范文:送什么样礼物给小孩 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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