

阅读 :




  Model 1

  ① Recently , there has been a growing concern among the public over the topic of _______(主题词).

  ② This will definitely generate a variety of positive effects . ③ To begin with , _______(积极影响一). ④ Moreover , _______(积极影响二). ⑤ Last but not the least ,_______(积极影响三). ⑥ If there’s no such an activity , _______(后果).

  ⑦ To the best of my knowledge , it is sensible that we make our due contributions . ⑧ In the first place , we can _______(贡献一). ⑨ In the second place , we may _______(贡献二). ⑩ Finally , we are supposed to _______(贡献三). ⑪ In conclusion , we have good reasons to believe that it will have a promising prospect .

  Model 2

  ① As is revealed in the picture/cartoon , _______(描述图片). ② The picture is fairly thought-provoking , which intends to convey to us this message : _______(图片传达的信息).

  ③ We can easily recognize the significance of _______(与主题相关因素)in terms of_______(主题词). ④ On the one hand , _______(论述一). ⑤ Take _______ as an example _______(举例说明). ⑥ On the other hand _______(论述二). ⑦ Without _______(与主题相关因素), _______(后果).

  ⑧ Considering all the points discussed above , it is advisable that we highly value _______(与主题相关因素)and apply it in our studies and work . ⑨ We are , therefore , supposed to take a rational attitude . ⑩ _______(态度论述).

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本文标题:2018专八作文模板:观点阐述型 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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