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  My View on the Soul of a Business(企业灵魂之我见)





  When it comes to the soul of a business, most people believe that making profits is the first and most concern. In their opinion, the soul of a business exists in how much money it can earn for the enterprise and its employees. Contrary to this is another view which holds that the soul of a business lies in how much contribution it can make to the society. Compared to this noble goal, making profits should, of course, be in the second place.

  As far as I am concerned, I would rather seek a balance between the two views. I don't think an enterprise can survive without making profits, which is especially the case in such a competitive world. Neither do I appreciate the idea that the mere objective of a business is to make money. It is believed that a highly developed society undoubtedly promotes the development of enterprises. Moreover, a business is not an island. Its prosperity depends, to a great extent, on the society. Therefore, a business should do something in return for the society.

  From what has been discussed above, we can safely come to the conclusion that the soul of a business lies in the balance between making contributions to the society and gaining profits for the enterprise itself.

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