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  As is symbolically illustrated in the cartoon, a boss is teaching his staff the most vital rule, which is “There is no substitute for innovation”! It is obvious that only through innovation can we make progress and conservatism means regression.

  The purpose of the drawing is to show us that utmost importance should be attached to innovation and creativity. To begin with, an attitude of innovation could be said to be the watchword, or motto of science. Think of all the innumerable times a scientific experiment must be carried out, all the laboratory tests, all the live trials, before a new medicine or vaccine is discovered. In addition, innovation is also responsible for many of today’s business successes. For instance, I personally worked with such a company and its entrepreneur. It was only after four years and four different tries of varying business models that he finally found success, and went to become the chairman of one of the largest Internet companies.

  To sum up, in any field of endeavor, whether it be in medicine, engineering or in business, it seems necessary to first put great emphasis on innovation before one can finally reach success.

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