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 1) The most pressing question/task/problem/issue/matter for us to tackle , in my opinion/in fact, is...

依我看/实际上,我们所要处理的最紧迫的问题/任务/问题/事项/事情是,……(e.g. The most pressing task for us to tackle, in my opinion, is to find new ways of making best of water resources now available.)例:依我看,亟待我们完成的最紧迫的任务是,找到可以充分利用我们现有的水资源的新方法。2) Our efforts/concern/attention/interest should be directed to...我们应着力于/应将我们关注的目光/兴趣向(导向)……引导。(e.g. Our efforts should be directed to what should be done to reverse the t rend.)例:我们应着力于解决如何才能扭转这种趋势。3) What we really/badly need now is...我们真正需要/急需的是……(e.g. What we really need now is to accept any suggestion conducive to the solution of the problem.)例:我们现在真正需要的是接受任何有利于解决此问题的一切建议。?4) It is high time (that)...现在正是/该是……的时候了。(e.g. It is high time that we made our minds open to new, different ideas about it and that we started to take some practical measures so as not to leave it to continue its course until it runs wide.)例:该是我们开放思想,接受与此相关的新的、不同的观点和着手采取实际措施以阻止其继续扩展、蔓延的时候了。5) Then/On the basis of the above refutation, how/what...(next)?那么/基于以上辩驳,怎样/什么……?(e.g. to lift ourselves out of the passive situation? to repair the damage man has done to the environment?...what can be done about the present trend of blind faith in things foreign.)例:……怎样才能使我们摆脱被动的局面?……怎样才能弥补人类对环境所作的损害?……怎样对付当前盲目崇外的趋势?6) So, I feel strongly that...所以,我强烈感觉到……(e.g. So, I feel strongly that the recent trend of superstition reflects a credibility crisis hanging over the country.)例:所以,我强烈感觉到最近的迷信潮反映了整个国家弥漫着一种信任危机。7) In my opinion/To my mind, nothing is more...than...我的意见是/依我看来,没有什么比……更……(e.g. To my mind, nothing is more important than the need to know right from wrong.)例:依我看来,没有什么比分清是非更重要的了。8) If our first reaction to this wrong thinking/practice is just a retort on it, our true/ultimate goal is...如果我们对这一错误想法/行为的第一反应只是一种曲解,那么我们的真正/最终目的是……(e.g. to make/put right such illusion/practice.)例:……是纠正这种幻觉/行为。9) Nowhere in history has the problem/issue/illusion/trend been so...that...历史上这种问题/事情/幻觉从未如此……过,以致于……(e.g. critical/hindersome that there is a growing awareness of the urge/necessity to abandon the belief that man can always conquer nature.)例:……如此尖锐/麻烦以致于人们越来越意识到需尽快/有必要抛弃“人定胜天”的信条。10) Now (that)/Since...the focus of our concern/argument should be switched over to...既然(现在)……那么我们关心/争论的重心/焦点应转向……(e.g. Now that the issue is too obvious to need further refutation, the focus of our argument should be switched over to intensifying the concept of water shortage among the people.)例:既然问题非常明显,无需进一步辩驳,那么我们争论的焦点应向加强人们的节水意识转移。

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