

阅读 :


1) Some (people) argue/claim/believe/hold that... But others set (put) forth a different argument about/oppositive views on the matter in question.有些人争论说/声称/认为/…但其他一些人对这一问题却提出了不同的论点/相反的观点。(e.g. Some claim that setting off firecrackers is a good practice of celebrating the Spring Festival. ...But others put forth opposite views on the problem. )例:有些人认为庆祝春节时放鞭炮这种做法好,但其他一些人对这一问题却提出了相反的观点。2) Some (people) advocate/endorse/favor/are for (或oppose/object to/are against)... Yet others stick to/hold on to/cling to the opposite views/argument/points.有些人拥护/支持/赞成(反对)…然而其他人则坚持相反的观点/论点。(e.g. Some advocate changes intended to modernize the building code. ...Yet others hold on to the opposite views.)例:有些人拥护旨在使建筑行规现代化所做的变革…而其他人则持相反的观点。3) To some people's mind/From some people's point of view/In the eye(s) o f some people, the matter in question is/seems/should be/means...But to others' mind/from others' point of view/in others' eyes, it is just/quite the other way around/contrary/opposite(或the opposite/reverse is the case/true.)有些人认为,这一问题是/似乎是/意味着…但在其他人看来,事情恰恰相反。(e.g. To some people's mind, reading should be done in a selective way. ...But to others', it is just the other way around.)例:在有些人看来,阅读应该有选择地进行…但对于其他人来说,看法恰恰相反。4) Some (people) respond/react others behave/act in the other direction/in the opposite way.有些人以…来回应…,…但其他人则表现相反。(e.g. Some people respond to failure by remaining inactive or avoiding it...But others behave in the opposite way.)例:有些人对失败采用消极和回避的态度,…但其他人表现相反。5) Some take the view that...And/But on the other hand, others argue for the opposite view that...有些人认为…但另一方面,其他一些人则持相反的观点,认为…(e.g. Some are of the view that institutions mould characters. ...And on the other hand, others argue for the opposite view that characters transform institutions.)例:有些人认为习俗塑造性格,但另一方面,其他一些人则持相反的观点,认为性格能改变习俗。【常见让步法段首句和过渡句】1) It is true/There is no need to deny that...But it does not mean...确实/不可否认…,但这并不意味着…(e.g. There is no need to deny that recreational services have added variety to our social life. ...But it does not mean leaving them to take their own courses.)例:不可否认,娱乐业为社会生活增加了多样性,但这并不意味着让其放任自流。2) Although it is widely believed that..., it can not stand close/cold scrutiny/analysis/examination.尽管很多人认为…,但它却经不住仔细彻底的检查/分析/检验。3) Admittedly/True/Obviously/Indeed, the issue in question. ... But one basic/vital fact is being left out of our analysis/consideration, namely/that is,...无可否认/诚然/很明显/确实,问题…但在我们的分析考虑中忽略了一个基本的/至关重要的事实,那就是/即…(e.g. Admittedly, the official figures and statistics show that much improvement has been made in people's living standards. ... But one vital fact is being left out of our analysis, namely a growing gap between the rich and the poor. )例:无可否认,官方的统计数据表明人民的生活水平大有改善,…但在我们的分析中忽略了一个至关重要的事实,那就是贫富差距不断拉大。4) Those in favor of the issue in question argue/contend/hold/maintain/claim that...But what they fail to consider/analyze/see/find out is that...对问题持赞成态度的人争辩/认为/宣称…,但他们没考虑到/分析/看到/发现…(e.g. Those in favor of euthanasia contend that its practice can benefit both the patient and his family. ...But what they fail to consider is that euthanasia may be taken advantage of for some evil or hidden purposes.)例:赞成安乐死的人争辩说,这一做法对于病人及其家庭都有利,…但他们没考虑到的是,有人会利用安乐死达到其罪恶或不可告人的目的。5) Superficially/On the surface/At first glance(thought)/In appearance, the issue in question seems...But in fact(on second thoughts/on close examination/in substance),...表面上/乍一看/乍一想/从外表来看,问题似乎…,但实际上/仔细一想/仔细一查,…(e.g. At first glance, the western-type democracy seems superior to any other types. ...But on second thoughts, it does not entitle every citizen of the same nation to the equal freedom to act.)例:初看起来,西方式的民主比其他任何形式的民主都要优越,…但仔细一考虑,它并不赋予同一国家的每一个公民一平等的自由。

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