

阅读 :

 1) His/Her story is not unusual/rare, it is typical of thousands of people who are following his/her lead, so some people have abundant reason to ask how this came into being/how this will affect our future life/what measures should be taken to cope with it.

(用于分析建议、原因分析、对比分析、批驳分析类议论文和知 识性说明文)2) The results of this survey/questionaire have aroused/drawn nationwide / public attention/concern, which is why some great efforts are being made by our government/society.(用于分析各抒己见类议论文和举例、知识性说明文)3) Such a dilemma/problem/condition we often run into in our life, but the basic question is how to cope with it/but all we need to do is how to approach it.(用于分析建议、原因分析、对比分析等类议论文和知识性说明文)4) What this survey reveals is cold and hard, so the top priority task f or us to set about is to...(用于分析建议、原因分析、对比分析等议论文和知识性说明 文)5) This case has aroused echoes throughout the country, with more and mo r e people following its lead, but ideas about it vary widely/is there anything serious it has reflected?(用于分析类议论文和各抒己见类议论文)6) Most people have realized the seriousness/potential of what this survey exposes, but...(用于分析类议论文)7) With/For different people/things, however, sth. is open to different interpretations/tastes/connotations. A(e.g. With the people from different family backgrounds, however, devotion is open to many interpretations.)8) When adopted to define different things/people, sth. comes in a variety of flavors/tastes/meanings/values/senses. A(e.g. When/If adopted to describe the people with different intentions, life often comes in various senses.)9) Sth. may be/bear/convey many meanings/values/hints to many/different people/things, but, in all senses/the broadest sense/a real sense, it is/means...A(e.g. Happiness may convey many hints to many families, but, in every sense, it means making more contribution than demand in a family.)10) On the whole/As a whole/All in all/In substance (essence), however, the diverse/different/various meanings/interpretations/concepts/definitions of sth. originate (stem/come) from/can be boiled (narrowed/condensed) down to/can be traced back to one core (the same core)/one source (the same source) one connotation (the same connotation):...(e.g. On the whole, however, the diverse meanings of success to the people above can be boiled down to one connotation: Success is a realization of one's ideal.)11) Whether the definition/interpretation of sth. is constant or mutable, however, depends on what backgrounds it is in. A(e.g. Whether the definition of beauty is constant or mutable, however, depends much on what backgrounds it is put against.)

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