

阅读 : 135 次



In the past few decades, "generation gap" has become a quite popular phrase, signifying the barrier between parents and children. But what has caused the harrier, why do people living together disagree with each other? Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic:

Who Has Dug the Generation Gap?

In the first pact of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In tire last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.

Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.


Who Has Dug the Generation Gap?

Since its invention, the phrase generation gap has spread all over the world in almost an instant. In the past few decades, although human beings are striping toward some common goals, the gap between parents and children seems to be widening. It is high time that we thought about the cause of this prevailing trouble.

The most important reason is that parents and children hold different values. / With the constant development of technology, social values are also undergoing continuous changes. Because parents and children belong to quite different times, they naturally belong to different value groups, and this in turn leads to the barrier between different generations. / For example, our parents living in the 196f1s think that people should cherish their membership in their groups, and should adapt themselves to their groups, but we emphasize individual values and are ready to leave our getups at any moment in search of a better one. It is unlikely for people holding different values to agree on everything in life, the harrier is, therefore, also unavoidable.

Another important reason for the generation barrier is lack of communication. A good talk can sometimes dissolve the disagreement between people with different values, but the trouble is that there is not enough communication. With the ever increasing pressure in work and life, parents are spending less et}ort and lime with children; and the children, faced with heavy study load yr various distractions, such as TV plays and computer games are also spending less time with their parents. This results in a Pack, or an inability, of communication when it is necessary.

Besides these two general reasons, there may he sane special casts. According to a recent report, about 5 percent of generation gap results from irresponsible parents, especially those without good education, tend to evade the duty of raising and caring for their children. The same report also repeals shat about 3 percent of the problem results from problematic children who consistently refused parents' help. This type of cases represent only small portion, but the problem is often more serious.

In a word, except for some special cases, barriers come into being either because the two parties involved embrace too different values or because they are not talking to each other often enough. After ending out the reason, we may know that it is wrong to blame parents or children for the barrier, and we should mainly encourage communication, for if parents and children can talk to eaci3 other more, barrier will have less opportunity to stay.

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