
【实例解析】优化托福独立写作 学会使用反驳式开头

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看一下这道例题,Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Solving environmental problems is the best way for the government to improve public health.

It is true that environmental problems such as air pollution and water pollution will exert huge negative effects on public health. (承认合理性) However, taking environmental problems as the best way to improve public health only represents an insufficient analysis which fails to see the environmental disparities between different regions.(反驳其局限性)Whether it is the best solution depends on specific circumstances. If environmental problems are not imminent enough that require swift actions, then there should be some other factors such as food security, drug regulation, hospital investment and medical insurance that also affect public health to a great extent.(自己的论点)


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

The most important aspect of a job is the money a person earns.

Undoubtedly, high income is greatly valued by many job hunters in view of the mounting cost of living. After all, abundant money can provide people with good food and spacious house as well as excellent education opportunities. (承认合理性))However, the top concern of people when choosing a job varies a lot. (反驳局限性))In my opinion, it ignores other factors such as working environment and promotion system that also greatly influence people perspectives on jobs.(自己观点)


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