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A Nice Place to Practice English and Make New Friends!


As a matchmaker, I've seen droves of people fall in love. Occasionally, love comes easy. You meet someone and you just know. Your heart tells you that one day you'll fall in love with them. Most of the time, it isn't exactly that easy. Sometimes, love takes time to develop. It starts as a slow feeling of like and develops into something very powerful - something that's overpowering.


When you're in love, you're overwhelmed with a feeling of gratefulness. You feel lucky, and special- very, very special. You're constantly thanking the universe for bringing you such a wonderful feeling.


Love is one of the best feelings in the world. It's something that makes you happy almost all of the time. When you have a bad day, it lifts you up. Being in love puts a constant smile on your face.


Love is a feeling of deep affection. It's an intense attachment to someone. Love draws you to that person, in ways you can't always explain.


Love is caring for someone deeply and 100 percent unconditionally. Love is being passionate about life and everything you can accomplish. Love makes you motivated. It encourages you to break down your inhibitions.


Love makes you feel safe. It gives you a feeling of security, knowing you have someone to always count on. Love gives you something to look forward to. Love makes your present and future better. Love transforms you. It makes you believe in things you didn't think existed. Love gives you hope.


Love isn't perfect; it isn't a fairytale. But absolutely always, it's worth it.



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本文标题:心的感悟:爱是什么? - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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