
【必备资料】托福写作经典范文——stay in village VS going out

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Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People who move out of their native villages or towns are more successful and happier than people who stay in their native villages or towns.
Sample answer
Some people maintain that only by traveling beyond one’s hometown can one gain success and happiness, while others hold the opposite view, asserting that living in one’s village is more comfortable and enjoyable. These perspectives reflect differences of lifestyle. In my view, one cannot claim that those who choose to leave their home villages are more successful and happier than those who choose to remain. There are ways for people who choose to live in villages to achieve success.

Due to the high speed of development and the opportunities in urban areas, it is often easier to achieve success by moving to a big city. Take Beijing, for example. There are many companies in Beijing, especially international companies; therefore, people in Beijing have greater access to materials and information provided by these big companies, as well as more opportunities to work in them compared to those who live in villages.

However, merely possessing more information and materials does not necessarily mean achieving success; there are definitely other factors that contribute to this outcome. History is replete with examples that could support my opinion. When Newton developed the theory of gravity, he was just a common person living in a small village. As he was sitting under an apple tree, an apple dropped on his head. Inspired, Newton discovered gravity, formulating a theory to explain many phenomena. What can we learn from this example? It is not people’s location that determines their success, but other factors, such as intelligence and hard work.

Furthermore, does success equal happiness? The criteria for success vary; the most common standard for success is the money one earns. Does earning more money mean attaining more happiness? Obviously, the answer is no. It is common for so-called successful men to suffer physical and psychological pain. They may experience stress and have bad relationships with family members. Such people are not happy at all. Although those who live in villages cannot make as much money as people in big cities can, they are often happier, at least from my perspective. They have more time to spend with their families and to do things that they like. They can enjoy dinner without thinking too much. In my opinion, this is happiness, and I believe many people agree.

In conclusion, although people who move to large cities have more opportunities and possess more information, both of which are essential for success, these factors are not the determinants of one’s final success. The distinction between success and happiness should be clarified; those who are thought to be successful may not be happy at all, whereas those who are freer to do what they really want and have more time to spend with their families can be much happier than so-called successful men. Therefore, it is too hasty to assert that people who move to urban areas are more successful than those who stay in small villages.

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