例如:speed-and-comfort中描述坐火车的无聊时就运用了很多细节:Train compartments soon get cramped and stuffy. It is almost impossible to take your mind off the journey. Reading is only a partial solution, for the monotonous rhythm of the wheels clicking on the rails soon lulls you to sleep. During the day, sleep comes in snatches. At night, when you really wish to go to sleep, you rarely manage to do so. If you are lucky enough to get a sleeper, you spend half the night staring at the small blue light in the ceiling or fumbling to find your ticket for inspection.Inevitably you arrive at your destination almost exhausted.
托福的官方指南(official guide)里也凸显了细节的重要性。因此我们的学生在进行托福独立写作的时候,要注意对于be more specific这一标准的把握。很多时候,细致的例子能够弥补遣词造句上的不足。最后祝大家考试顺利!