
托福写作考试中巧用6个修辞手法 为你的作文加分

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1. 排比对称结构

Despite all the evidence, experts continue to debate weather global warming exists, how extensive the problem is, what the likely effects will be and whether any remedy is possible.

Despite all the evidence, experts continue to debate the existence of global warming, the extent of the problem, its likely effects and any possible remedy.

2. 比喻

(1)明喻:比喻词出现:as, like, as if…

In many ways, no doubt, our world grows more and more complex, sputniks cannot be simple; yet how many of our complexities remain futile, how many of our artificialities false. Simplicity too can be subtle-as the straight lines of a Greek temple, like the Parthenon at Athens, are delicately curved in order to look straighter still.


America has given the Negro people a bad check, which has come back marked insufficient funds.

3. 对照:加深印象

Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice; moderation is the pursuit of justice is no virtue.

4. 类比

The Negro has a callus growing on his soul and it is getting harder and harder to hurt him here. That is a simple law of nature. Like a callus on the foot in a shoe that is too tight. The foot is nature’s and that shoe was put on by man. The tight shoe will pinch your foot and make you holler and scream. But sooner or later, if you do not take the shoe off, a callus will form on the foot and begin to wear out the shoe.

It is the same with the Negro in America. That shoe-the white man’s system—has pinched and rubbed and squeezed his soul until it has almost destroyed him. But it did not. And how a callus has formed on his soul, and unless that system is adjusted to fit him, too, that callus is going to wear our that system.

5. 拟人

Dawn was beginning to prowl about the sky and put out the starts.

6. 夸张

For she was beautiful—her beauty made the bright world dim, and everything beside seemed like the fleeting image of a shade.



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