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A recent study reveals that peopleespecially young people are reading far less literature – novels, plays, andpoems – than they used to. This is troubling because the trend has unfortunateeffects for the reading public, for culture in general, and for the future ofliterature itself.


While there has been a decline in bookreading generally, the decline has been especially sharp for literature. Thisis unfortunate because nothing else provides the intellectual stimulation thatliterature does. Literature encourages us to exercise our imaginations,empathize with others, and expand our understanding of language. So, by readingless literature, the reading public is missing out on important benefits.


Unfortunately, missing out on the benefitsof literature is not the only problem. What are people reading instead?Consider the prevalence of self-help books on lists of best seller. These areusually superficial poorly written, and intellectually undemanding.Additionally, instead of sitting down with a challenging novel, many persons arenow more likely to turn on the television, watch a music video, or read a Webpage. Clearly, diverting time previously spent in reading literature to trivialforms of entertainment has lowered the level of culture in general.


The trend of reading less literature is allthe more regrettable because it is taking place during a period when good literatureis being written. There are many talented writers today, but they lack anaudience. This fact is bound to lead publishers to invest less in literatureand so support fewer serious writers. Thus, the writing as well as the readingof literature is likely to decline because of the poor standards of today’sreaders.



- Main point: 文学作品阅读量的减少对于读者、文化和文学的发展都是有害的

- Sub point 1: 文学作品阅读量减少对于读者是有害的

- Sub point 2: 文学作品阅读量降低文化水平

- Sub point 3: 文学作品阅读量减少导致文学创作减少


It is often said that people are readingless literature today than they used to. What should we make of this?


Well first, a book doesn’t have to beliterature to be intellectually stimulating. Science writing, history,political analysis and so forth aren’t literature perhaps, but they are oftenof high quality and these kinds of books can be just as creative andwell-written as a novel or a play. They can stimulate the imagination. So don’tassume that someone who isn’t reading literature isn’t reading a good book.


But let’s say that people aren’t justspending less time with literature, they are also spending less time with booksin general. Does that mean that the culture is in decline? No, there’s plentyof culturally valuable material that isn’t written – music and movies, forexample. Are people wasting their time when they listen to a brilliant song orwatch a good movie? Do these non-literary activities lower cultural standards?Of course not. Culture has changed. In today’s culture, there are many forms ofexpression available other than novels and poems. And some of these forms speakmore directly to contemporary concerns than literature does.


Finally, it’s probably true that there’sless support for literature today than in earlier generation. But don’t be tooquick to blame the readers. Sometimes it’s the author’s faults. Let’s behonest. A lot of modern literature is intended to be difficult to understand.Here is not much reason to suppose that earlier generation of readers wouldhave read a lot of today’s literature either.



Main point: 阅读部分的说法不成立

Sub point one: 人们虽然读文学书少,但是可以在其他类型的书籍中获益

Sub point two: 除了文学作品之外,音乐和电影也是很好的文化传播方式

Sub point three: 文学作品的支持减少不是因为读者阅读减少,而是因为作者的问题。


- 这篇文章阅读部分的分论点集中于每段段尾。尽管在独立写作中我们不推荐这种写法,但是这是完全符合essay的写作要求的。选择分论点的时候不可以想当然地选择段首句,而是要仔细阅读,筛选分析。方法呢,看以前的解析吧。

- 在反驳的过程中,前两点是直接反驳缺点,陈述说缺点并不存在。而第三点,这是“另寻他因”:文学出版减少的原因不是因为读者不读书,而是作者的问题。反驳角度不同,不可以想当然。


The lecturer raises several arguments tocounter the reading passage’s strong criticism of the general public’sdeclining interest in reading literature.

The lecturer argues that literature is onlyone among many forms of reading genres from which the public can benefitintellectually. The public also benefits from reading works of science fictionand historical novels, among other reading genres. Therefore, the reading isworking to claim that the public is suffering great losses by not readingliterature.

Furthermore, the lecturer explains thateven if it is true that the public is reading fewer books and watching moretelevision and films instead, it does not necessarily mean culture is indecline.

Television and film are simply modern formsof cultural expression that are also intellectually stimulating and directlyrelevant to contemporary life.

Finally, the lecturer admits a decline inaudience and support of literature in today’s society, but she attributes it tothe authors themselves, who have alienated themselves from the reading publicby using overly complex language. The reading, however, blames the loweringstandards of the public for the declining interest in reading great works ofliterature.

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本文标题:【托福写作备考】托福综合写作练习题——文艺青年减少了 - 托福范文_托福考试作文

