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Imagine that you have received some land to use as you wish. How would you use this land? Use specific detail to explain your answer.



Land is a valuable resource, and it is important to use it effective to create something that all people can enjoy. I therefore propose to use the land to build a campground. At the present time, there’s little low-cost recreation in the are where I live. Building a campground would change that. Ultimately a campground would make a more enjoyable environment for everyone.

Local entertainment is simply too expensive. A nice evening out can cost as much as one hundred dollars. Even movies and other less expensive types of entertainment are no longer cheap. Further, there are no real recreational facilities nearby. There are no parks within 30 miles. There are very few basketball courts, and most of those are ib poor condition.

Building a campground could change all that. Staying overnight at a campground is very inexpensive. It can cost as little as thirty dollars. Further, there would be a sports area and picnic tables for use by campers and also those who do not wish to stay overnight. A campground would provide a lot of activities for very little money. That would definitely improve this area.

The result of building a campground will be that many more people will be able to afford an enjoyable evening out .A campground also promotes healthy living. People can get out and breathe fresh air. They can walk and bike and play basketball or other sports. That is certainly better than spending an evening sitting down, eating buttery popcorn in a movie theater.

A campground will make the area beautiful as well as functional. We have many wonderful natural resources, but we need to cultivate them. In addition to all the other good things it can bring, building a campground will help us do just that.



ultimately:最后,最终; 基本上; 根本

recreational:消遣的; 娱乐的

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本文标题:【必备资料】托福独立写作高分模板———你会如何使用你的土地 - 托福范文_托福考试作文


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