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对于托福独立考试来说,社会生活类话题虽然不是出题频率最高的一类,但是对于这样的题目却是也有着一定的难度。比如,托福独立写作真题(It is impossible for us to be completely honestto a friend.)也可以被归纳在这一类中。就这类命题,我们可以思考一下人与人之间关系的意义,如家庭关系——父母与子女的关系、祖孙之间的关系,还有朋友之间的关系,我们如何建立和睦的关系等等。


1.2014年8月23日考题:Although new technology and science will continue to advance and improve people’s life, the most significant improvement has been made.

很多同学被这道题目难住,因为其中提及的逻辑非常严谨:没有否定科技的发展人类的进步,只是在程度上做文章,遇到这种情况做何处理呢?首先,从立场来讲,这道题算是要反对的,因为人类前进的步伐不可否认。在这个大前提下,如何证明今后还会有质的发展呢?我们不妨换个角度思考这个问题。可以产生重大进步的领域,势必是目前并不尽人如意的领域,而相关问题一旦弥补,便可实现质的提升,比如交通,如果可以在代步的同时实现节能环保;比如通讯,如果可以实现普及性的随时随地可视通话(more affordable),那么人们的生活质量将得到significant的提升。

2.2014年10月18日考题:It is important for everyone to know about what happening all around the world even though the events have not affected our daily life.



Do you agree or disagree with the statement: Your job has a greater effect on your overall happiness than the social life does. 相比于社交生活,你的工作给你带来了更多的快乐,是否认同?


The pursuit of happiness is one of human being's basic rights. Jobs and social lives are two elements that can affect our happiness and people are universally striving for a balance between them. Whether one’s job is more influential on happiness than social life has become a heated issue. In my opinion, jobs outweigh social lives in affecting people's happiness.

To begin with, people gain sense of achievement from work, which is closely related to happiness. Apart from rudimentary physical demands like eating and sleeping, people need to search for the meaning of life, and working is the best way to realize this kind of value. It is no denying that the realization of the value of life is the ultimate form of happiness. For example, Steve Jobs, as we all know, is a workaholic without abundant social lives, but from his biography I can feel that his work is the biggest resource of his happiness.

Additionally, jobs bring people money that is the material guarantee of happiness. We have to admit that happiness without the foundation of material is not real happiness. In other word, all seemingly happy lives are based on decent financial strength. Meanwhile, jobs are the most stable way to gain wealth, which indeed plays a significant role in influencing our happiness. A good case in point is my cousin's family whose happiness is well admired by others. At first, they live in extravagant villa with 3 servants. Besides, my cousin is studying at an American university, while his mother is stunning everyday by using expensive cosmetics and ornaments. In a sense, happiness can be bought by money.


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