
托福独立写作范文赏析 Two people can become good friends even if……

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托福写作水平的提升重在练习与反思,而除了针对机经真题做持之以恒又行之有效的训练,我们更应该充分研究揣摩托福范文的优秀之处,下面我们就来赏析一篇托福独立写作范文:Two people can become good friends even if one of them has more money than the other.

独立写作题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Two people can become good friends even if one of them has more money than the other.


At present, a popular Chinese entertainment plot is that a poor boy and a rich girl who, after a long time of suffering, eventually become friends. Could this type of fairy-tale story happen in reality? Personally, I do not think it very likely. In other words, I believe that people who possess huge sums of money and people living in poverty find it very hard to be friends, for they have different goals and lifestyles.

Firstly, a different goal in life between the rich and the poor make it nearly impossible for them to be friends. For the poor, the only living goal may be to make a decent life; for the rich, they may be more concerned with how to continue a business or increase profits. Someone from a poor family will often have the same dream as his father: to be able to buy a spacious apartment and a nice car and have a happy family. Those from rich families have interests beyond these basic needs: meeting celebrities or other networking opportunities, increasing social status, or worry about investments and government relationships. Thus the whole focus of life may be completely different.

Secondly, even something as simple as entertainment can be completely different between the wealthy and the poor, affecting their attitude toward life. They take part in different leisure activities when they get free time. After finishing his ordinary working-class job, Tom generally goes back home and stays with his wife and kids. For his family, the happiest thing is to sit together and watch soap operas in front of TV. John, a wealthy man, entertains himself quiet differently after work. Almost every weekend, John goes to the golf course to enjoy the fresh air and indulge himself. Since the ways that they spend their spare time are so different, it means that they have a great distinction of their attitudes toward life. With such a distinction, it seems very ridiculous to expect that people like Tom and John could be friends.

Admittedly, the rich and the poor can meet in some other contexts. For instance, they might attend some of the same colleges and take the same courses, which means they can talk to each other in some occasions. However, such communication alone does not result in a reliable friendship. As we all know, to form a reliable friendship, people have to experience many challenges together. Having different goals and lifestyles makes it difficult to experience the same things.

In conclusion, as the differences in goals and lifestyles are so huge, I believe it is normally impossible for the rich and the poor to become good friends.


spacious [ˈspeɪʃəs] adj. 广阔的;宽敞的

indulge [ɪnˈdʌldʒ] v. 放纵;使快乐; 使享受

context [ˈkɒntekst] n. ( 想法、事件等的 ) 背景;环境;语境

fairy-tale: 童话故事

soap opera: 肥皂剧


as the differences in A and B are so huge, I believe ...: 鉴于 A 和 B 的差异如此巨大,我认为……

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本文标题:托福独立写作范文赏析 Two people can become good friends even if…… - 托福范文_托福考试作文


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