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托福独立写作范文赏析 better to finish a project completely and then begin a new one……

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托福写作水平的提升重在练习与反思,而除了针对机经真题做持之以恒又行之有效的训练,我们更应该充分研究揣摩托福范文的优秀之处,下面我们就来赏析一篇托福独立写作范文:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to finish a project completely and then begin a new one than work on two or more projects at the same time.

题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to finish a project completely and then begin a new one than work on two or more projects at the same time.


In our career life, we usually have innumerous projects in front of us and they are all waiting for us to finish in a short time. However, whether finishing them one by one is better than working on two or more of them together is still a great dispute. Personally, I prefer to work on projects together, for I believe this saves time and money.

Firstly, working on two or more projects together can save time. In fact, many companies of our time do own the ability and strength to implement many projects together. When conducting projects together, time saving becomes practical. For example, my work is as a RD technician in tech department at Microsoft. Recently, our team members are working on three tasks of inventing new products together. The reason we execute these tasks together is that our department do have enough required technicians and engineers. Besides, our research team also possesses sufficient equipment and facilities demanded by the inventing processes. Since many companies in our time have stronger research forces, implementing projects one by one becomes unnecessary and carrying them out at the same time turns to be very efficient.

Secondly, working on two or more projects together can save much expenditure. Undoubtedly, much equipment will be required during the process of conducting projects. However, companies do not need to purchase the same equipment repeatedly for they can be shared by different projects simultaneously only if relevant employees can arrange an efficient schedule. For instance, we are running three tasks on inventing new products. Impressively, all these three tasks require some expensive softwares and many of the softwares are just the same. Finally, for sufficient use of the resource that we already have, we make out a reasonable schedule, which is providing a specific period for every project toutilize these softwares. As our boss says, with this brilliant arrangement, we can save a lot of money for we smartly avoid purchasing these expensive softwares more than once. Admittedly, in some cases finishing projects one by one might have benefits.

A great number of people believe that people can be more concentrated if they can conduct the projects in front of them one by one. However, it is not a reasonable idea. Nowadays, teamwork is prevailing and it requires that many projects can realize a kind of subdivision and cooperation, which makes finishing many projects simultaneously possible and efficient.

To sum up, based on the considerations I stated above, I believe that working on two or more projects is better than finishing them one by one.


technician [tekˈnɪʃ(ə)n] n. 技术员;技师;能人

implement [ˈɪmplɪˌment] vt. 履行;实施

simultaneously [ˌsɪm(ə)lˈteɪniəsli] adv. 同时;同时发生地;同时地

subdivision [ˈsʌbdɪˌvɪʒ(ə)n] n. 细分部分;分部;分割成的小块土地(供开发住房)

prevailing [prɪˈveɪlɪŋ] adj. 流行的;占优势的

one by one: 逐个地

to sum up, based on the considerations I stated above, I believe ...:总之,根据上文的讨论,我认为……



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