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人与环境是和谐相处的 People and the environment are harmonious

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  人与环境是和谐相处的,我们生存在地球上,人是自然之子,而不能仅把人看作自然的征服者,大家都知道,人类只有一个地球,地球上的山山水水、动物。植物是人类的细胞,如果我们把它损坏了,破坏了大自然的组织,等 于消灭人类。因此,环境要与社会公德联系起来,与实践行为作为人格教育的一项重要内容来抓。每个人都要履行保护环境的责任和义务。

  Harmony with the environment is that we live in on Earth, who is a natural son, and not only to natural persons as the conqueror, as we all know, there is only one earth and the mountains on Earth, the animals. Plant human cells, if it damaged, destroyed nature organizations, to the eradication of mankind. Therefore, the environment must be linked with social ethics, character education and practice acts as an important element of it. Everyone must fulfil its responsibilities and obligations to protect the environment.

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本文标题:人与环境是和谐相处的 People and the environment are harmonious - 中考英语作文_中考英语作文万能句子_中考英语作文范文


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