
英文诗歌大全:I want it all

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I want it all




    这首歌是Sharpay and Ryan合唱曲目。在学校里,Sharpay and Ryan想象着两人美好的未来,成为众人瞩目的明星。这首歌描述了两人想象中豪华与荣耀的场景。




Can you imagine, what would happen 

if we could have any dream 

I'd wish this moment, was ours to own it 

and that it would never leave. 

Then I would thank that star, 

that made our wish come true (come true) 

Ohh Yeahh 

Cause he knows that where you are, is where I should be too. 



Right Here, Right Now 

Im looking at you, and my heart loves the view 

Cause you mean everything 

Right Here, I promise you somehow 

that tomorrow can wait, some other day to be (to be) 

But right now there's you and me 



It feels like forever, what could be better 

We've already proved it was 

That two thousand words, twenty three hours, have blended the universe. 

Its gonna be, everything (everything) 

in our whole world changed 

(it starts changing) 

and do know that when we are, (when we are) 

our memory's the same 

oh no,oh no 



Right Here, Right Now (right now) 

Im looking at you,and my heart loves the view 

Cause you mean everything (everything) 

Right Here, I promise you somehow (somehow were gonna) 

That tomorrow can wait, some other day to be (to be) 

But right now there's you and me. 



Oh we know its coming (coming) 

Oh its coming fast 

Its always you and me,ohh yeah 

so lets make this second last 

make it last 



Right here, 

Ooohh Right now. 

Yeah im looking at you, 

and my heart loves the view 

Cause you mean everything 


Right Here, I promise you somehow 

That tomorrow can wait, some other day to be (to be) 

But right now there's you and me 

You and me 

you and me 

Ohh You and me 

But right now there's you and me 


Sharpay: Imagine having everything we ev 

er dreamed 

Don't you want it? 

Ryan: Maybe 

Sharpay: Can't you see it? 

Ryan: Kinda 


Sharpay: Imagine first audition after co 


I get the lead! 

Ryan: A part for me? 

Sharpay: Well of course 

Ryan: Yeah right! 

Sharpay: You gotta believe it 

Ryan: Keep talking 

Sharpay: You and I all the fame 

Ryan: Sharpay and what's his name? 

Sharpay: sound exciting? 

Ryan: Inviting 

Sharpay: Let's do it then 

Ryan: Listening 


Sharpay: Personal stylist, agent and a p 


Ryan: But where do I fit into this? 

Sharpay: With you we can win 


Ryan: Win a part 

Sharpay: Think bigger! 

Ryan: Become superstars 

Sharpay: That's better 

Don't you see that bigger is better 

And better is bigger 

A little bit is never enough 

No, No, No! 


Sharpay and Ryan: 

Don't you want it all! 

You want it, you know that you want it 

The fame and the fortune and more 


You want it all, you want it, you know t 

hat you want it 

You gotta have your star on the door 


You want the world nothing less, all the 

glam and the press 

Only givng you the best to use. 

Sing it! 

I want it all 

I want it, I want it, Yeah 

My name in lights at Carnage Hall 

I want it all! 


Sharpay: Can't you see it 

Ryan: Yeah 

Sharpay: They're gonna love me 

Ryan: Ahem 

Sharpay: I mean us! 


Red carpet, rose bouquets, crowd waiting 

back stage 


Ryan: I’m with her, don't stop me, I'm n 

ot the paparazzi 

Sharpay: Invitations, standing ovations 

Ryan: Magazines 

Sharpay: Yes please 

Sharpay and Ryan: Gonna be celebrities! 


Sharpay: Photographs, fanclubs, give the 

people what they love 

Now you're excited! 

Ryan: I like it 

Sharpay: Let's do it then 

Times Square, jet setters, sequels 

Hey better 


Sharpay and Ryan: New York today, tomorr 

ow the world!! 


Ryan: Sold out shows 

Sharpay: Think bigger 

Ryan: And the oscar goes to.... 

Sharpay: That's better! 

Sharpay and Ryan: 


Don't you see that bigger is better and 

Better is bigger 

A little bit is never enough! 

No, No, No! 


Sharpay and Ryan: 

I want it all! 

I want it, I want it, Want it 

The fame and the fortune..and more 

I want it all 

I want it, I want it, Want it 

I gotta have my star on the door 


I want the world nothing less, all the g 

lam and the press 

Only giving me the best to use. 

I Want it all! 


I want it, Want it, Want it, Radio, CD, 


We Want it all!! 




Here in the spotlight we shine, look at 

who we are 


When Broadway knows your name, 

Sharpay and Ryan: 

you know that you’re a STARRRR! 




Sharpay and Ryan: I want it, I-I I want 

it, I want it, I want it, 


I-I, I want it, i want it, i want I-I I 

Want It! 



I Want It All! I want it, I want it, I w 

ant it! (I WANT IT ALLL) 

The fame and the fortune and more! 

I want it all! I want it, I want it 

I gotta have my star on the door 


I want the world nothing less, all the g 

lam and the press 

Only givng you the best to use. 


Sharpay: Paris! 

Ryan: London! 

Sharpay: Rome! 

Ryan: Toronto! 

Sharpay: LA! 

Sharpay: Sidney! 

Ryan: Buenos Aires! 

Sharpay: Tokyo! 

Ryan: Moscow! 

Sharpay: Bollywood! Ryan: Hollywood! 


Sharpay and Ryan: NEW YORK CITY!!!!!!



本文标题: 英文诗歌大全:I want it all - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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