
谈结婚 郁达夫 中英文对照版

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张培基英译中国现代散文选(一) 之《谈结婚》


(1)“似乎曾说过……”意即“说过一些话,大意是……”,译为said something to the effect that…,其中to the effect that…作“大意是……”解。 
(2)“华盛顿·欧文”是美国作家Washington Irving (1783-1859)。《见闻短记》(Sketch Book)为其著名代表作。 
(3)“一篇歌颂妻子的文章”的篇名为The Wife。 
(4)“查而斯·兰姆”是英国散文家Charles Lamb (1775-1834)。笔名爱丽亚(alia),著有《爱丽亚散文集》(Essays of Alia)。 
(6)“这个问题似乎同先有鸡呢还是先有鸡蛋一样”译为That sounds like the chicken-and-egg question,其中chicken-and-egg(或chicken and egg )是成语,作“鸡与蛋孰先难定”或“因果难定”解。 
(7)“常常没有人解决过的问题”可译为has never been resolved,现译为remains a perpetual puzzle,变反说为正说。 
(8)“裙”指“裙带关系”意即“藉以相互依靠的姻亲关系”,现译为petticoat influence。 
(9)“独身者”指“独身男作家”,故译为an unmarried male writer。 
(10)“潘驴”源自《金瓶梅》第三回,指“潘安的貌”和“驴大行货”,在文中分别指第四、第五两个条件。现分别译为gook looks和potentness。 
(11)“却也很不易办到”意即“却也不易都具备”,译为of which all are not always available,等于of which not all are always available。 
(12)“儿子自己要来”译为your offspring will come to this world of themselves,其中短语of themselves和automatically同义。 
(13)“走上了断头台”,本可译为be sent to the guillotine,但因兰姆文中说的绞刑架,故译为be sent to the gallows。 
(14)“‘官人请!娘子请!’的唱随之乐”不宜逐字直译,现意译为wedded bliss(闺房之乐),简单明了。

A Chat about Marriage 
                    ——Yu Dafu 
     The other day, Mr. Lin Yutang said something to the effect that women’s only career lies in matrimony. Now, an eminent French writer declared at a press interview after arriving in Shanghai that men should stay bachelors if they want to achieve success in life. 
     Washington Irving was a confirmed bachelor, but in his Sketch Book there is an article extolling the wife as a graceful and lovely life-long partner. Charles Lamb, also a single man, in A Bachelor’s Complaint of the Behaviour of Married People, one of his essays signed “Elia”, speaks mockingly of married people with their inevitable postnuptial fruits—the children. 
     Marriage or no marriage, which is more desirable? That sounds like the chicken-and- egg question, which, though often discussed, remains a perpetual puzzle. Generally speaking, one who has no family dependants is not supposed to rent a house, one who has no petticoat influence in the government should refrain from becoming an official, an unmarried male writer is in no position to writer about “my wife”. All these seem to hint at the advantage of marriage. But, to get married, you need to have five perquisites, namely, money, leisure, employment, good looks and potentness, of which all are not always available. What is more, after your marriage, your offspring will come to this world of themselves. And in a world with overpopulation, economic crisis, educational bankruptcy and deteriorating public morals, they may, just as Charles Lamb says, through their own acts of indiscretion, be sent to the gallows. With such a terrible misfortune befalling your family, how could you still have wedded bliss to speak of? 
    Thinking the matter over and over again, I cannot but come to the conclusion that neither matrimony nor bachelorship has anything to recommend itself.

本文标题:谈结婚 郁达夫 中英文对照版 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文

