Shenzhen English Corner


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  作者:朱利安·泰普林教授 俄勒冈大学心理学博士,哈佛大学医学院及马萨诸塞州总医院社区脑力保健项目博士后研究员。

  In the course of 26 trips to China, most of them in the last 10 years, I have been involved with a substantial number of Chinese students pursuing education overseas. I’ve seen some stellar triumphs, some weak outcomes and some really painful and costly failures. Through all of this, I have developed strong feelings about the need to look at big questions first and avoid the pitfalls. Rather compressed, here in this little series of installments, are those questions.


  There is a great deal to be said for quality overseas education. It may have wonderful advantages. At its best, it has demonstrated:


  World-leading creativity and scientific excellence,


  Great opportunities for finding major fields that truly fit the individual,


  Wide open opportunity for the late-blooming student,


  Clearly effective learn-by-discovering, learn-by-doing methods,


  Promotion of creativity, communication, teamwork and leadership that responds to the hunger of business, education and government entities.


  And so many Chinese students, witness the authorship lines in the world’s leading scientific publications, Science and Nature, have established themselves as distinguished, world-class scholars in their own right through US and European universities.


  Most nations pay a great deal of attention to the education offered to students. They spend a great deal of money and carefully regulate the quality of the offerings. China does no less—except for an important minority. That minority is the huge number of students shipped overseas for high school or university education. Judging from the range of outcomes, overseas education is something of a high-stakes gamble.


  May I give the stories of 2 actual young people who stay in my home at vacations.


  J. At University in the US, J was an honors student and politically active in a number of causes. Toward the end she won a major fellowship to study politics in Washington, DC. Then, after an internship with a national TV network, she won a position as Asia Assistant in the Washington DC head office of a key international news organization.


  E. E studied at a US university, finishing with three honors majors and a record as a teaching assistant in several courses, among other achievements. Three US medical schools accepted her; she chose a world-renowned one.


  These stories warm our hearts and make us enthusiastic for overseas education. But such benefits are not lying about on the ground for easy collection. Overseas education is a little like a jungle. Misinformation abounds. There are real dangers in the unfamiliar complexities. Just how many students fall into them is not known. Here are two stories that I think are more common than we know.


  Z. Without sound planning, Z determined to go overseas. Despite a seriously unpolished personal statement, he was accepted. His written English was so error-laden that passing the introductory courses turned into a huge hurdle. He was referred backward to easier, non-credit courses. At length, with the prospect of ever graduating becoming smaller and smaller, he withdrew.


  C. An unexpectedly low gaokao score forced C to attend a low ranked Chinese college. A methodical worker, however, she prepared carefully and won a place in an overseas Master’s program in Human Resources. On completion, though, the job situation was awful. At last, just to pay bills, she took a position cleaning ladies’ fingernails. (J, E, Z, and C are good friends, but I have disguised their identities.)


  In this little set of articles, I will suggest that there are seven basic issues that must be addressed to give overseas education a decent foundation. My message is that we should worry much more about the big issues and only take up the fun of wrestling with the relative merits of one school vs. another once those big questions are settled –or there may be trouble and disappointment.


  In the next installments, we will take up one big issue at a time, looking first at how risk may be reduced.



  stellar adj. 星的;主要的;星球的

  pitfall n. 陷阱,圈套;缺陷;诱惑

  例句:The road to the conquest of cancer is long and full of pitfall.


  installment n. 安装;分期付款;部分;就职

  例句:Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is the highly anticipated installment in the series .


  internship n. 实习生;(美)实习期;实习医师职位

  例句:When I accepted the internship at Morgan Stanley , I had no idea it was the only paying position.


  abound vi. 富于;充满

  例句:The English language abounds in phrasal verbs.


  unpolished a. 未磨光的,无光泽的,未磨练的

  例句:The unpolished edges of the glass squares maintain an element of tension and act as an indicator of construction.


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本文标题:美国教授为你破解出国留学陷阱 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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