

阅读 :

  双语阅读:女友指浪漫或性关系(romantic/sexual relationship)中相对稳定(regular)的女性伙伴,但通常不属于长期承诺性的关系(long-term committed relationship),这种情况需要用妻子(wife)或爱侣(partner)的说法。

  1. Girlfriend也可以简称girl

  特别随意的场合可以用gf或GF,如短信(texting)或网聊(internet chat)。

  eg: Have you been seeing a guy pretty steadily and would like to know if he wants you to be his girlfriend?

  2. 非婚关系中,口语通常可称女方为significant other或SO


  eg: Anyone NOT having their Significant Other in the Delivery Room?

  3. Life partner通常相当于‘终身伴侣’

  但与汉语不同的是它也可以指亲密的终身伙伴,无论同性还是异性。Partner也可以指life partner。

  eg: I feel more optimistic being in this relationship. We decided we are going to be life partners.

  4. Fiancée指订婚女友


  eg: A 45-year-old man and his fiancée were celebrating a family holiday in their apartment. Out of the blue the man thought that his girlfriend was taking the form of a hideous monster from a horror movie.

  5. Soulmate或soul mate可以指女友或妻子


  eg: So did "God" give attractive people a much higher chance of meeting their soulmate?

  6. 还有其它一些词可以指女友,如companion、sweetheart、heartthrob、babe等。

  7. 有一些词是男女通用的,如true love、date、steady、darling、love、lover、paramour、squeeze等。

  8. 如果是已婚男人的情人,通常用mistress

  eg: Picasso’s painting of his mistress will go under the hammer at London

  9. Lady friend是个故意模棱两可的用语

  指关系不到girlfriend的程度,但却好于friend;没有mistress或lover那种明显的性意味。通常作为委婉语(euphemism)使用,或者在情况不明的情况下作为一种保守的提法。Lady friend也用于指女方明显大于男方的情侣关系。

  eg: A millionaire took his lady friend to dinner. He told her he had eaten in the finest restaurants in the world and assured her this place served the best。

  10. girl friend或female friend

  没有浪漫关系(non-romantic)或性关系的(non-sexual)女性朋友可用girl friend或female friend一词。Girl friend和girlfriend也有所不同,前者可用于指一般女性朋友。

  eg: The fine line between girl friends and girlfriends lies in sexual attraction and flirting.

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本文标题:双语阅读:"女朋友"的多种表达 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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