

阅读 :

  1. Given the current state of the economy, many people are choosing to double up with a roommate to help share expenses.

  1. 考虑到现在的经济形势,很多人都选择找一个室友来分摊房租。

  2. I just rented a two-bedroom downtown. I'm looking for a compatible roommate.

  2. 我刚在市区租了个两居室,想找一个合得来的室友。

  3. My ideal housemate would be someone who is laid-back and drama-free.

  3. 我的理想室友是个闲散、不爱闹事的人。

  4. My last roommate was a drama queen. Every time I forgot to take my shoes off, she got really mad and made a big deal out of it.

  4. 我上一个室友特喜欢小题大做。每次我进门忘了脱鞋,她就特生气,唠叨半天。

  5. I hate living with roomies who compact garbage down in the container instead of taking out the garbage. What abouy you? Do you have any pet-peeves?

  5. 我讨厌室友不清理满了的垃圾筒,而把里面的垃圾压实了继续用。你呢?你最不能忍受的事是什么?

  6. I really don't want a lot of drama in the apartment. It's important that we don't get on each other's nerves.

  6. 我不喜欢家里总是吵吵闹闹的。我们得注意别把对方惹毛了。

  7. I really hate living with mooches. They always eat all of your food and ask you to pay for everything.

  7. 我讨厌和爱贪便宜的人住,他们老来拿你的东西吃,而且买东西的时候总让你付钱。

  8. We each need to pull our weight by cleaning the dishes, taking out the garbage and paying the bills.

  8. 在洗碗、扔垃圾和付水电费等问题上,我们每个人都应该出一份力。

  9. I'm pretty social and outgoing, and I like making new friends. But I'm not a party animal, and I like to keep the apartment clean.

  9. 我很好相处、外向活泼、喜欢交朋友。但是我不是一个聚会狂,而且我喜欢保持家里干净。

  10. I hate living with someone who put dishes in the sink after cooking, instead of washing them and putting them away.

  10. 我讨厌吃完饭把碗筷堆在洗碗池中不洗的室友。

  11. A good start of finding a compatible roommate is to search for someone from your circle of friends ... or better yet, friends of friends. Searching online is usually a last ditch effort.

  11. 想找一个合得来的室友,首先要从你的朋友圈中来找,或者更好的是从你朋友的朋友里来找。不到万不得已不要在网上找室友。

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本文标题:找一个理想中的梦幻室友 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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