

阅读 :

  Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away they were meant to be there, to serve some sort of purpose,teach you a lesson,or to help you figure out who you are or who you want to become.You never know who these people maybe (possibly your roommate, neighbor, coworker, long lost friend, lover, or even a complete stranger),but when you lock eyes with them,you know at that very moment they will affect your life in some profound way.

  And sometimes things happen to you that may seem horrible, painful. and unfair at first, but in reflection you find that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential, strength, willpower, or heart.

  Everything happens for a reason.

  Nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck.

  Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness, and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests, whatever they may be,life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere. It would be safe and comfortable, but dull and utterly pointless.

  The people you meet who affect your life,and the success and downfalls you experience, help to create who you are and who you become.

  Even the bad experiences can be learned from.

  In fact,they are probably the most poignant and important ones.

  If someone hurts you, betrays you,or breaks your heart,forgive them,for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious when you open your heart.

  If someone loves you,love them back unconditionally, not only because they love you,but because in a way, they are teaching you to love and how to open your heart and eyes to things.

  Make every day count.

  Appreciate every moment and take from those moments everything that you possibly can for you may never be able to experience it again.

  Talk to people that you have never talked to before, and actually listen.

  Let yourself fall in love, break free, and set your sights high.

  Hold your head up because you have every right to.

  Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself, for if you don't believe in yourself, it will be hard for others to believe in you.

  You can make of your life anything you wish.

  Create your own life and then go out and live it with absolutely no regrets.

  Most impotantly,if you LOVE someone, tell him or her,for you never know what tomorrow may have in store.

  And learn a lesson in life each day that you live.

  That's The Story Of Life.

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本文标题:英文短文:生命的故事 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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