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  You are their own professional journey alone walk? Just for you to dream a dream job. Like all full of novel experience of adventure, you heart professional journey of course will have a clear to arrive at destination. Only you is very clear their interest and advantage, to find and his talent and individuality is most consistent industry, the company and even position.
  你正在自己的职业旅途上孤独跋涉吗?只为了通往你梦中的理想工作。就像一切充满新奇体验的冒险之旅,你心中的职业旅途当然要有一个明确要到达的目的地。 只有你非常明确了自己的兴趣与优势所在,才能找到与自己天赋和个性最为相符的行业,公司乃至职位。 

  Your current top priority should be for my career make the best choice and decision making. But you may also want to consider a bit, your dreams and interests will also change over time. As the whole workplace blustery and rapid change of personal environment and personal preference, will need to you for his career, as well as other related life planning to make a series of choice.

  Self assessment requirements for their serious deep observation, and to their own advantages and disadvantages to make objective honest measure. This is a lot of people in the face when the most difficult career choice, but at the same time is also the most important part.


  For different profession knowledge, as well as to the different working duty and required technical understanding, will help you make a career choice that you find those and your interest, personal quality the most consistent work.


  You to the whole industry and the trend to understand, the more you will need to employers what kind of people understand more, so as to facilitate the decision you measure yourself, so that you may have for their effective marketing, well into the workplace and get the whole career success.

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