

阅读 : 162 次


1.Woman who haven't fallen in love before graduation 大学毕业前还没谈过恋爱的女人

Here "love" refers to interaction more than three months rather than a very short period of the lightning romance. Also it doesn't mean a single party Love. Because there is no love experience, the skills with the opposite sex are lacked. On the other hand, the degree of understanding of the opposite sex is also very low.


2.Perfectionism woman 完美主义的女人

Everything, including love, life are inperfect art. Women who pursue a perfect life are often very unhappy, because they intend to see an imperfect place.


3.Women who always think that they have suffered a lot. 总以为自己已经历尽沧桑的女人

A woman's experience could be turbulent, but the woman's state of mind absolutely must be simple.


4.Obedient" daughters“听话”的乖女儿

The more obedient daughters are, the more often there is no perfect life, especially the marital problems. The more the parents involve in the children , the greater the chances of unhappiness are.


5.Seeing love as food 把爱情当粮食的女人

Marriage isn't love but the combination of other conditions. Though it's sharp, it's true.



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本文标题:容易被剩下的五种女人 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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