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  A dog dressed in military fatigues participates in the FamilyPet Festival in Cali, Colombia。


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  A dog dressed as a Rastafarian participates in the Family PetFestival in Cali, Colombia, on October 25, 2009.


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  A yoga dog strikes a pose during the Carl Schurz Park AnnualHalloween Howl on October 25, 2009, in New York City。


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  Clad in a tie dye outfit and beads, a dog exudes hippie charmduring the Carl Schurz Park Annual Halloween Howl in New York City。


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  A dog dressed as The Incredible Hulk flexes for the crowd atthe 19th Annual Tompkins Square Halloween Dog Parade。


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  Cha-Cha and Candy, dressed up as biker babes, compete in the fifth annual Times Square Dog Day Masquerade, in New York on October 18, 2009. The contest aims at raising awareness forhomeless and abandoned animals。


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  A Chihuahua dressed as "Vinny the Pimp" seduces the crowd atthe Times Square Dog Day Masquerade. Top prizes were awarded to thedogs whose costumes best evoked Times Square’s past or present。


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  Two pugs walk the puppy plank in pirate costume to compete inthe fifth annual Times Square Dog Day Masquerade。


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本文标题:双语趣闻:超级小宠物的时尚派对 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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