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  RECENT years have seen more men working in what were considered "female" occupations, such as nursing, kindergarten teaching and nail technicians.

  A trip to the nail bar is a popular girly outing among Shanghai women; an opportunity to relax, get your nails done and catch up on gossip with friends. But nowadays, it's not unknown for customers of this most female of institutions to find themselves greeted by a male nail technician, eager to shape, shine and buff.

  That men are now working in what was almost a woman-only preserve is indicative of changes in the city workplace in recent years, which have also seen males take up positions in professions such as nursing, kindergarten teaching and secretarial work.

  Traditionally, women were perceived as being more patient, considerate and sensitive than males, and deemed more suitable for "feminine" professions requiring these qualities.

  But in recent years such distinctions have faded, with males being accepted in these roles. Many experts hold this up as the development of Chinese society, with people becoming more open-minded.

  "Men do jobs dominated by women; women do jobs dominated by men. Both trends illustrate the progress of society and should be viewed as natural," says Gu Xiaoming, sociologist and professor in Fudan University.
  “男性从事女性主导的工作;女性从事男性主导的工作。这两个趋势说明了社会的进步,理应被视为当然,” 社会学家以及复旦大学教授顾小明说。

  Being shocked by this or misunderstanding it reflects a prejudice of male-dominated society.

  "However, this does not mean that we can push men to do feminine jobs or take their success for granted. Development in any career depends on many elements," adds Gu.

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本文标题:英语短文:男性插足女性行业 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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