

阅读 : 292 次


  Norwegian artist and photographer Ida Skivenes has turned her talents to breakfast and taken playing with food to a whole new level.


  The 29-year-old never attended art or culinary school, but was inspired by her love of food, art, and photography to start recreating famous paintings on her breakfast toast.


  Among her creations include Frida Kahlo with cheese and Vincent van Gogh’s Sunflowers with yoghurt and figs as well as the house from the film “Up”, with grapes for balloons above it.


  Each meal takes between five and 15 minutes to create. And if you are worried that the mouth-watering artworks are a waste of perfectly good food, fret not. Once they have been recorded on camera, Ida eats them up.




  1.Thank you for making me smile! These ideas are very good.谢谢你让我笑了起来!这些创意太棒啦。

  2.I’d never have the patience to do that in the morning--too hungry!我可没耐心在早上来做这个,饿都饿死了!

  3.How many times have I told you to stop playing with your food!我跟你说过多少次了,不要把食物拿来玩!


  >culinary [adj.烹饪的]

  >fig [n.无花果]

  >fret [v.发愁]

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本文标题:英语短文:早餐变身趣味画作 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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