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  Is clutter weighing you down at home and the office?


  Not sure where to start when it comes to clearing things out?


  Here are 10 clutter-clearing ideas to help you simplify and streamline your life.


  1. Tidy up your desk


  Do you find it difficult to work on your desk or find office supplies when you need them? Remove old sticky notes, outdated papers and notes, junk mail, magazines, as well as any obvious trash and wrappers from your work space. Corral office supplies such as pens, paper clips and pushpins in small decorative containers, or store items in flat storage bins or trays in your desk drawers. Don’t forget to chuck any broken office supplies or dead plants that are on your desk or sitting in your office.


  2. Clear out your closet


  Closets are notorious for being cluttered with anything and everything from last year’s spring shirts to shoes from the 80s. Begin by purging any clothes that are obviously stained, damaged, ripped, torn, or no longer fit. Next, remove any clothing and accessories you no longer want or need. Finally, take a good look at items you haven’t worn or used in a year or two as well as items that are hopelessly outdated. Will you really use these items soon, say tomorrow or even in a months’ time? It might be time to bite the bullet and say goodbye to these items.


  3. Deal with junk drawers


  Crack open that drawer you know you are afraid to open…it’s time to do some much needed cleaning! First, pull out any items you can easily identify and know you will use and set them aside. Second, get rid of anything that is broken, expired, leaking, damaged, mismatched or missing a mate or working part. Third, donate or give away any sealed items or products you no longer want or unnecessary duplicates you do not need (do you really need five can openers if there’s only two of you in the house?)


  4. Sort out your files


  Pull together any loose files that are floating around the house or your office. Go through each of the files and check the contents. If files are still active, file them; if files are inactive, be sure to archive them. Any material that is expired and/or no longer needed should be shredded and properly recycled. Do you have any duplicate files or one too many files for a particular project or item? Consolidate the contents of files where you can to save space and clean up your filing system.


  5. Tackle clutter in the rooms of your home


  An easy way to figure out what constitutes clutter in a room is simply what doesn’t belong or doesn’t add value to a particular room. It could also be anything that is an eyesore, or that makes you grit your teeth or turn your eyes the other way when you come across it! Take a look at the different rooms of your home. What doesn’t belong? What items should be processed and taken care of? Common household clutter includes items such as unopened mail, junk mail, old magazines, books, receipts, bags filled with recycling materials and the like.


  6. Dust off daily routines


  Is your daily routine cluttered? That is, is there an easier way to do something in your daily routine or is there actual physical clutter that hinders or blocks you from actually physically doing something? Maybe there’s a simpler or easier way to get to work instead of your normal route? Could you clean up that pile of junk at the foot of your bed that you always trip over on your way to the dresser or closet? Take a minute or two to think about what tiny changes you could make in your daily routine to make things a little bit easier for yourself.


  7. Give your computer a cleanse


  Clutter can appear in many different forms on your computer. Consider clearing out files from your desktop screen (file items or delete them), cleaning out or emptying your computer’s trash or recycle bin, defragmenting your drive, or getting rid of applications and programs you no longer use. Finish things off by wiping down your computer’s screen and keyboard with an appropriate computer cleansing solution and cloth to clear off dirt and germs.


  8. Reassess your commitments to friends, family and coworkers


  Overpromising your time is one way to clutter up your schedule. If you can’t truly commit to appointments, you are creating unnecessary havoc in your calendar and chaos in your life. Clear out mental clutter by removing yourself from commitments, appointments and meetings you know you can’t possibly keep. Take care to be more conscious in future as to how you offer your time and energy to friends, family and coworkers. Remember, a cluttered and chaotic mind helps no one!


  9. Overhaul your information intake systems.


  Pop-quiz: how many RSS feeds do you follow? What about all of your email and magazine subscriptions? How many people, businesses and organizations do you follow on social media? Chances are you probably have lots of information coming at you from different angles over the course of a single day. Unsubscribe from RSS feeds you haven’t touched in weeks, email subscriptions you don’t read and be choosy about who you follow, friend and like on social media channels.


  10. Declutter your car


  Your car is a busy place: you bring things in and out of it, leave things in it…basically stuff tends to pile up over time. Grab a trash bag and a small box and head over to your car. Be sure to get to clear out these areas: the glove compartment, trunk, driver side console, front passenger console and the backseat. Trash any junk and clutter you find. Use the small box to collect and transport items you need to bring into the house or office.


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